Florence County Airport Re-Line
A Re-Line project for the Airport in Florence County, SC
The Florence Regional Airport was built in 1928. Much of the existing RCP Storm Drain Piping was installed prior to the 1950s. Due to years of service and the vibrations from the landing strips the pipe had become fractured in areas and dis-jointed in others. This caused numerous sinkholes over the years. The AirportReceived funding for the repair in 2015 and task Talbert and Bright Engineering to do the design for repair. This was a tough task due to the fact most of the pipe could not be open cut and replaced.
Our Solution
This was a real tough choice in how to fix these culverts. There were long runs with no place to put multiple open pits for pushing the pipe in place. All of the pipes had to be installed from the outlet end of the runs. Other issues were the disjointed areas and the use of a material that would be durable enough to push past these areas. After looking at our product lines, it was decided that the SDR 32.5 Solid Wall HDPE pipe with locking bell and spigot ends would be our best option. The pipe is flexible and durable, so it worked well passing through damaged and disjointed areas. Our Toughest run was 48” Diameter reline pipe size that was pushed over 500’ of pipe into place. Once the pipe was in place the contractor core drilled into the top of the Existing RCP pipe to install the Grout Backfill in the void area between Host Pipe and Reline Pipe. The Storm Drain System is working well now.